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PMH GmbH: Experience since 1989

We, PMH GmbH, are a company run by the Kinnart family. The history of our company began in 1989. Originally, our services consisted of worldwide machine trading and the overhaul of extrusion lines. However, we soon expanded our range of services to include the manufacture and supply of customised extrusion lines. We are happy to take into account and integrate customer requirements into the plant concept. In the further course of our work, our service was enriched by the manufacture of extrusion lines for filament production.

We manufacture the complete extrusion line from one source. Furthermore, we realise various designs of plasticising units or a cooling line with conveyor belt and cooling fans, which is used for cooling water-soluble filaments. Furthermore, we organise the delivery of ordered machines to your desired location.

We will be pleased to assist you with our expertise of more than three decades.

Do you have any questions about our extrusion lines? Then contact us! We will be happy to help you make the right decision.

Werksgelände der PMH GmbH in Königswinter

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